
न्यू इयर रेसोलुतिओं

My new year resolution for this year is to stop procrastinating.


Ivre d'amour

Isn't it sad when you realize that someone has subconsciously become a part your life without your acknowledging it? The moment, he/she announces to your that he/she is leaving, you just can't helped but be crushed and learn that you should treasure everyone in your life and tell them how much they mean to you. Because of my whimsical heart, I've been hurt and discouraged many a time and so I've made myself numb to this feeling, so strong, so stressful, and so painful. I wanted to run away from heart aches. But it doesn't work this way. No matter how hard I try to avoid the pain, it will never leave me. I have to overcome it. I have to open my heart to everyone, and if some one tries to drill a hole in my heart or break it, it is okay. That way my heart will be stronger and more durable!